Archaeological Museum of Andros
The Archaeologcal Museum of Andros, situated in Theophilos Karis Square in Chora, was built in 1981. It was designed by the architect Stamos Papadakis and the construction was funded by the Vasilis and Eliza Goulandris Foundation. This small, local archaeological museum punches above its size. There is an extensive and diverse selection of ceramics from sites around the island, as well as sculptures from the Archaic to the Roman period, including a copy of the Praxiteles Hermes. There are also inscriptions, including several important ones from the site of Palaeopoli. Among the most remarkable exhibits, are the statue of Hermes of Andros, the headless Kouros, and the torso of Artemis. In the museun you can also find a very well-preserved copy of the map of Rigas Feraios. Although it is a relatively small museum, it gives a very good insight of the island’s past from the Neolithic to the Byzantine times.