Fassa Lighthouse 8040
The Fassa lighthouse on Andros Island was built in 1859 to guide vessels through the Cavo D'Oro passage (also known as Kafireas straights) that separates Andros from Euboea Island. This straight has always been a busy sailing passage for vessels sailing from the western Mediterranean Sea to the Black Sea and vice versa. During World War II, the light was extinguished and was not relighted, until 1945. The lighthouse was first lit with kerosene as source of light and the white flash had a range of 30 nautical miles. In 1993 the oil engines were replaced and the lighthouse started operating as an automated torch with a characteristic white flash every 10 seconds and a range of 25 nautical miles. The structure consists of a circular tower, 17.9 meters high with a keeper’s house. Fassa lighthouse is located on the northwest point of Andros, one kilometer from the coast and at a focal height of 201 meters. The lighthouse is accessible by road from the port of Gavrio.
Andreas Embirikos, the famous author from Andros, wrote about this lighthouse: «There, at the farthest edge of the island, in the eye of the north, in the mouth of the west wind, always standing and shining, the far-beaming beacon of ships, above the waves and above fear, it sweeps the horizon every night, with astounding brilliance every night, always sleepless and strong, a guide and savior of souls, the wakeful guard of the seafarers, the great lighthouse of Fassa».