Where is Meteora
Meteora is in the regional unit of Trikala, in Thessaly, in northwestern Greece.
What does Meteora mean
The name derives from an ancient Greek word, meaning “suspended in the air, hanging”.
When was Meteora built
The first monastery is believed to have been built just before the mid-14th century by a monk named Saint Athanasios the Meteorite.
What is Meteora known for
Meteora is a complex of huge dark stone pillars rising outside Trikala. The monasteries that sit on top of these rocks make up the second most important monastic community in Greece, after Mount Athos in Halkidiki.
How far is Meteora from Athens
Meteora is 344 km from Athens. The journey by car takes about 3 hours and 45 minutes.
How to get to Meteora from Athens
The easiest way to get to Meteora is by car, if you have one. Alternatively, you can travel by bus or train. There used to be a direct train between Athens and Meteora, but due to track problems, passengers now swap to a bus for part of the journey. You can check the Athens to Meteora train schedule by visiting the official Hellenic Trains website.
How long is the train ride from Athens to Meteora
The train runs regularly between Athens and Kalambaka with several services a day. A one-way trip from Athens to Meteoa by train takes around 5 hours.
How far is Meteora from Thessaloniki
Meteora is 228 km from Thessaloniki, Greece’s second largest city. The journey from Thessaloniki to Meteora takes approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes via the Egnatia highway.
Where to stay in Meteora
Kalambaka is the best town to stay near Meteora. However, if you want to stay in a village instead, Kastraki is the perfect place as it is right next to the majestic rock formations.