Athens Gallery
The National Gallery - Alexandros Soutzos Museum is a museum of fine arts, founded in 1900. Τoday includes in its collections more than 20,000 paintings, sculptures, engravings and other art forms. Ιτ is a treasure trove of modern Greek art, covering a period of the after Byzantine years to this day.
The collections of the gallery include, Modern Greek Painting, Western European Painting, Modern Greek and European Engraving - Drawings of Greek and Foreign Artists, Modern Greek and European Sculpture, Decorative and Applied Original Arts as well as. In addition to its exhibition activity, the National Gallery fulfills a number of other purposes that assist its actions. For this reason it has the following sections:
· Directorate of maintenance and restoration of works of art
· File
· Library
In the maintenance department, all the interventions in the works of art are made in order for them to be protected from the passage of time and the environmental conditions and to be in the best possible condition for exhibition. The Directorate of Preservation and Restoration of Works of Art of the gallery aims both at the preventive and passive rescue of the material of the objects, as well as the development of new methods of detecting and highlighting the problems that cause damage and alteration in works of art in the original work. structure of the work of art.
In the archive section, rare documents and objects related to the history of the National Gallery and the History of Art in Greece are kept.
The Library functions as one of the most important art libraries in Greece with hard to find publications covering the needs of both the specialized and the general public and is open to all. The library has a number of books and magazines with an emphasis on art publications of all kinds, with monographs by Greek and foreign artists, exhibition catalogs and rare series of art magazines, while albums dedicated to artists are of particular interest.
In addition to these sections, there are also sections:
· Project Archiving and Distribution
· Photography Laboratory
· Website and Digital Media
· European Programs.
The gallery is part of European museum networks, breaking the isolation and putting international collaborations into practice. Its obligations include the organization of periodicals and special exhibitions, where the public has the opportunity to get to know works beyond the ones on display, works that come as loans from other museums and collections, while at the same time having the opportunity to delve into specific areas and periods of world art history.
In the same context, the National Gallery organizes scientific conferences, symposia and workshops, while it publishes catalogs of the exhibitions of both the permanent collection and the periodical exhibitions. Furthermore, fulfilling its pedagogical character, the gallery has prepared a rich program of educational activities in order for students and the public to know more fully the history of European and modern Greek art. For this purpose, guided tours are made depending on the age and status of the visitors.
The institutional role of the National Gallery is to preserve, collect, study, maintain and exhibit works of art, with the aim of aesthetic cultivation of the public, lifelong learning through the art and entertainment it offers, but also the self-knowledge of the Greeks with the help of art history, which symbolically expresses national life.
Athens Gallery Map
GPS Coordinates 37.98673, 23.77822