Gods of Olympus Theme Park

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Gods of Olympus Theme Park

The "Gods of Olympus" Theme Park is the largest mythological theme park ever made in Greece. The park invites all lovers of Greek mythology to learn about every god’s life and deeds, as presented in Greek ancient writings. It is housed in the Cultural Center “Hellenic Cosmos” in an area of 1,800 square meters and offers the opportunity for mythology buffs to understand the deeper symbolism of myths and ancient Greeks’ fount of knowledge and wisdom. Through imposing god figures, 3D projections, guided tours, interactive acts and many surprises, visitors will learn about ancient Greek myths and will be amazed by how much there is still to learn about the twelve Olympian gods. With the use of modern technology the park will travel visitors of all ages to the magical world of ancient Greece. The exhibition is under the scientific supervision of the renowned historian, Thanos Veremis and the collaboration with a team of partners.

Opening Hours

The park is open from Monday to Friday 09:00am - 13:00pm, Saturday 10:00am – 20:00pm and Sunday from 10:00am – 19:00. Last entry is 50’ mins before closing. For prices and to book a ticket online, please visit Golds of Olympus Ticket Section.