Kardamyla - Grias Castle
From the road of Chios-Kardamyla we follow the bypass leading to Pityos and at a distance of one and a half kilometers from the intersection, we see the road sign.
We leave our vehicle and continue walking on the paved path. Shortly the tiling is interrupted and the trail continues to dirt. After about three hundred meters the path is divided. At this point the path to the right leads us to the top of the mountain and to the Castle of Gria, while the path to our left ends in the Koulalas area with the old, wide Genoese well (Kulala goana) and the abandoned farmhouse.
It is suggested to the hiker to continue ascending to the summit and to visit the valley of Koulalas on the return. Ascent is relatively difficult due to the rocky terrain and the large inclines. Around us the scenery is dry, rocky and abundant.
We continue to climb by following the maneuvers of the path. Behind us is the valley of Koulalas and in front of us is the imposing mountain of Gria.
At some points high up to the castle, we can see the remains of the tambourines, fortification walls built by the volunteers of the Corps of Kardamyla to confront the Turkish army during the battles of the liberation of the island in 1912.
Reaching almost the top of the hill we have a panoramic view, while there is a gazebo with benches for a rest stop. The spot requires caution, due to the precipitous cliff. From below, Kardamyla is panoramic with the plain, harbor and islets, Oinousses, Dolphin and the Asia Minor coast. In front of us, right next to the next peak, which is only a few meters away, stands the Castle of Grias.
After hiking for a few minutes, we reach Kastro. We enter the basin of a damaged part of the wall and enjoy the panoramic view of Kardamyla, Spilia and the settlement of Marmaras.
The descent is easier. In much less time than we needed to climb, we arrive almost at the foot and either continue the same route or take a right turn, ending in the Koulalas area, with the old, wide and well-made Genovese well. From there, following the dirt road, we come to the point where we started our ascension.
Alternative route: Via Ferrata: Via Ferrata is the first iron alley of its kind in Greece. Before we get to the cobbled path, we follow the path leading to the start of Via Ferrata. Used by trained personnel with special equipment.