The enchanting mountain village of Zia, lies at the base of Mount Dikaios, approximately 14 km from the city of Kos. It is the highest inhabited village on the island, the perfect spot for viewing the whole island and gazing at the nearby islands of Kalymnos and Pserimos as well as the coast of Minor Asia. It is surrounded by lush forests of pines and cypresses trees which produce a cooler atmosphere and makes Zia the ideal place to take refuge from the sweltering summer heat. On the upper part of the village, there are many crystal-clear freshwater springs, the most well-known of which is Kefalovrisi. Its water used to flow through the village and power the watermills. The village has preserved its traditional architecture. Small, white houses with blue doors and windows, streets painted blue and colorful shops and tavernas form the image of the picturesque village.
Zia is one of the most favorite destinations on Kos island, visiting by many tourists during the summer. In Zia you can taste local delicacies served in the traditional tavernas, buy traditional local products such as the famous "kanelada", a drink made of cinnamon, the local cheese "krasotyri" and local sweets, to walk on the cobbled streets and to enjoy the most incredible sunset on the island of Kos. In the old reconstructed watermill you can see all tools and utensils used by the locals in the old days, drink your coffee and relax. In the main street of the village there are several shops with traditional and handmade products.
The main attractions of the village is the church of Agios Ioannis Theologos which is built in the rocks and the small church of Profitis Ilias at the top of a nearby small hill. The two old watermills, of Ioannis Hatziantonis and of Kassios that have been characterized as "historical monuments" are also worth visiting. The most adventurous can climb up to the top of Mount Dikaios where can visit the church of Christos. From the top, on clear days, there is a breathtking view.
Palio Pyli