Sitia Airport

Μετάφραση Greek Version

Sitia Airport

26° 11’ 43” E 35° 42’ 0” N

Sitia Airport is located 1km N - NW of Sitia town centre, on the crest of Bonda hill. It has been in operation since the first airport opened in 1984, covering an area of 42,000 m².

Amenities & Facilities

  • Cafe - Bar   
  • Car Rental Office 

HERTZ AUTO HELLAS: Phone no: +30 28430 - 29305,  Fax: +30 28430 - 29304

  • Parking:

Nine (9) Tourist Bus Pariking Positions

One Hundred (100) Free Car Parking Positions for passengers and visitors in the Airport Parking Lot.


By Taxi: Phone no: +30 28430 - 22700.

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