Chios Airport
26° 8’ 5” E 38° 20’ 7” N
Chios International Airport is located 3 km from the center of the city of Chios and south of it. It was established in August 1969 and the first flight that it received was Flight 560 of Olympic Airways from Athens.
Amenities & Facilities
- Cafe
- Traditional products shops
- Rent a car offices
Hertz | Phone no.: + 30 22710 - 28445, e-mail: stchiosap@hertz.gr
- Parking:
Positions (30) for parking up to 2 hours.
Two (2) positions for people with special needs (disabled) Parking for up to 2 hours.
By Public Bus: Chios City Bus (KTEL): There is a bus stop in front of the airport. Information: Phone no.: +30 22710 - 22079 or at www.chioscitybus.gr
By Taxi: Charge prices, Airport - centre of city of Chios 8€.
- Radiotaxi | Phone no.: +30 22710 - 41111| mobile: +30 6984969119, +30 6908386900, +30 6949904885
GPS Coordinates 38.34539, 26.14253