Heraklion International Airport
25° 10’ 49” E 35° 20’ 23” N
Heraklion International Airport is located 5 km far from the Heraclion city center.
Amenities & Facilities
- Restaurant
- Bars
- Hellenic Duty Free Shops
- Cosmetics Store
- Gift Store
- Ice-cream bar
- ΑΤΜs
- Baby Room
- Parking | Phone no: +30 2810 - 226980
- Security company BRINKS
- Rent a car
Avis | Phone no.: +30 2810 - 229402
Budget | Phone no: +30 2810 - 344179
Εurodollar | Phone no:+30 2810 - 281338
Europcar | Phone no: +30 2810 - 242009, Fax: +30 2810 - 244988
Ηolidary Auto | Phone no:+30 2810 - 246603
Hertz Autohellas | Phone no: +30 2810 - 341734
Tourent | Phone no: +30 2810 - 240222, Fax : +30 2810 - 284058
National | Phone no: +30 2810 - 226002, Fax :+30 2810 - 222446
Sixt | Phone no: +30 2810 - 208915, Fax: +30 2810 - 284058
By Bus:
City Buses (blue) serving the city of Heraklion from early morning until late evening.
Information: Phone no: 2810 - 226065 / 220795. Web: http://astiko-irakleiou.gr/en/
- Intercity Buses (green) connecting Heraklion with all the counties of Crete for easy movement of residents and visitors. Information: http://www.ktelherlas.gr.
By Taxi:
- Radio Taxi Heraklion: Phone no: 2810 - 210102, 210168, 210146, 210124, 235333, Ε-mail: http://www.taxi-her.gr
- Radio Taxi Candia: Phone no: 2810 - 360960, 361363, 361362
- Radio Taxi Ikaros: Phone no: 2810 - 211212, 328260, 210022
Heraklion International Airport Map
GPS Coordinates 35.33957, 25.17474