Ancient Stadium of Rhodes

Μετάφραση Greek Version

Ancient Stadium of Rhodes

The ancient Stadium of Rhodes is located to the west of Rhodes Town on Monte Smith Hill, adjacent to the Odeon and near the theater, and the sanctuary of Apollo Pythios. It dates back to the Hellenistic years (3rd or 2nd century BC) and it was excavated and restored by the Italians in the 20th century, but very little archaeological work has been done on the site since then. The 210-metre (600 feet) stadium was used for sporting events, music and equestrian competitions with the participation of women, from 300 BC to 300 AD. There were two major athletic events held in the stadium, both relating to the Cult of Apollo (or Alios), patron god of Rhodes. One was held annually and the second every four years. The prize for the winners of the event held every four years, was a wreath of poplar leaves.

The surviving parts include the “Sphendone” (rounded end with turning post), the “Proedries” (the place where officials used to seat) and some of the lower seats in the auditorium. The starting mechanism for the athletes has been preserved as well. On the east side of the Stadium, can be found the ruins of a massive rectangular building that is believed to have been the Gymnasium. Today, the Stadium is sometimes used for musical or theatrical performances during the summer months. The view of Rhodes Town from the Stadium is amazing.