Agios Modestos - Kochylas Peak - Kalamitsa
Route 3 is located within the Natura 2000 site, «OROS KOCHYLAS» (GR2420006), a Special Protected Area for birds and Site of Community Importance, protected by EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EC) and the Directive on Wild Birds (79/409/EEC). The Hellenic Ornithological Society has declared Kochylas as an Important Bird Area for Greece (code GR115).
Kochylas is the habitat of important faunal species, such as Eleonora's Falcon, Cinereous Bunting, Cretzschmar’s Bunting and the island’s symbol the Skyrian Horse. Kochylas is also the habitat of several important endangered endemic floral species included in IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species such as Aethionema retsina, Campanula merxmuelleri, Scorzonera scyria and Aubrieta scyria, that visitors should be careful with.
The low lying maquis ,vegetation onsists mainly of Kermes Oak, wild Olive trees, Conehead Thyme, Prickly Burnet and Greek Spiny Spurge shrubs of very low height mainly due to overgrazing. The floral biodiversity of the mountain’s interior and ravines which are covered by thickets of Cretan Maple, Holly Oak and Mock Povet are also of great interest.