Pathway of Erimitis (Agios Stefanos of Sinies - Avlaki)
Following a shoreline area completely unspoiled and untouched by tourism, Erimitis pathway starts from Agios (Saint) Stefanos of Sinies and ends on the beach Avlaki. On this route you’ll walk through dense vegetation, you’ll find completely secluded beaches, as well as 3 lakes, important wetlands and refuge for rare birds. The total length of the path does not exceed 1.5h.
Erimitis path, starting from Agios Stefanos continues eastern over the coastline. The route alternates passing by small headlands and beaches. The edge of Xylokeratia, where said that once was a quarry, beach Aspalathras which took its name from the homonymous bush that grows in the area and the well-protected Korfovonia bay, where the existence of wells prove agricultural activity in past ages. At this point the path meets the first lake, Vromolimni (Dirty Lake) and northern the second lake, Akoli, next to an amazing beach.
From this point the paths leaves the coast and continues western through dense vegetation. Following the signs, you’ll find another splendid beach, the Aria. Returning on the central path, after a clearing you’ll reach the Vouvalomantria beach. From there on, towards southwest, the Erimitis path comes to its end next to Avlaki beach where you’ll find the third lake, Savoura. The Erimitis area includes 6 consecutive beaches, a three lakes group (Vromolimni, Akoli and Savoura) and forms a whole with the most ancient in Greece lighthouse (1828), on the nearby across island, Kapareli. Erimitis remains untouched by the tourist storm, as is accessible only by foot or by sea.
The area has dense vegetation, and it’s impossible to cross over it outside the pathways. It constitutes a refuge not only for a large number of rare birds, aquatic or not, but also for rare animals, as otter.