Giannoulis Chalepas Museum
The Giannoulis Chalepas Museum hosts works of the great Greek sculptor. The exhibits include personal belongings of the artist, family photos, handwritten notes, furniture, tools, household utensils, drawings and sculptures. You can also see his clothes hanging on the hook and visit his bedroom and workshop. The museum is housed in the ancestral home of Giannoulis Chalepas at the entrance of Pyrgos, next to Tinian Artists Museum. The two museums have a combined entrance fee. If you want to discover more about Tinos besides beaches, it is highly recommended to visit this place. You will learn so much about the history of sculpture on the island and the life of one of the most representative artists, Giannoulis Chalepas, the man with the very sad and touching biography.
Giannoulis Chalepas was the greatest sculptor of Greek modern art. Born in Pyrgos in 1852, he originated from a wealthy family of marble hewers. From 1869 to 1872, he studied at the School of Arts in Athens, under Neoclassical sculptor Leonidas Drossis. In 1873, he left for Munich, under a scholarship of the Panhellenic Holy Foundation of the Evangelistria of Tinos, to continue his studies at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts under the Neoclassical sculptor Max von Widnmann. His scholarship was intercepted to be given to another student. He returned to Athens in 1876, opened a workshop and began working individually. His most famous sculpture, “Sleeping”, decorates the tomb of Sofia Afentaki in the A’ Cemetery of Athens.
GPS Coordinates 37.63976, 25.04087