Litinon 3410
Some twenty minutes past Matala we approach Cape Lithino with the yellow lighthouse.The view and the sensation of being in the most southern point in Crete are impressive and we look at the steep south shore in awe. Lithino means "made of stone" and it sure is like this; no more rocky shores that slope into the sea.The highest point in the Cape Lithino area is Mt Kefali.It is 1200 ft high and its south side is a huge cliff with an almost vertical drop down to sea level. It's a bit scary being up there carefully approaching the edge to glance over it while big vultures are fly in circles above your head.Remnants of the German Army World War II defenses can still be seen.The view is unbelievable: it extends at an angle of 270 degrees from Lentas to Agia Galini. There have been many times that I have felt jealous of the soldiers waking up to face a view like this first thing in the morning.
Metal framework